Friday, January 11, 2019

The Labyrinth or the Maze

I didn't care
for labyrinths
to walk a narrow
and certain path
I preffered the maze

A maze branches
a path with choices
and may ways
to arrive at
one destination

but labyrinths kept
finding me
in windswept sagebrush
walking the dog

and then there were
the hospital grounds
as I found my way
to the Plastics ward
for surgery that day

Every year
I go there still
so they can search
to see if it's come back

I walk past
the inlaid marble
pause to admire
the way it curves
and loops back
one path pressed
so close against
the next

I come back
one year after
the next
one day of every year
to remember
the fear, the pain
the slow path back

Maybe one year
I will be moved
to walk those curves
the smooth stones
to stand in the centre
of all that beauty

maybe then I can stand
so perfectly still
that I can feel
all the days
all the years
and still be -


March 21st 2015


I never am happy with the ending of this one. I keep changing it. So this time, I just sort of left it off. There's a reference in here, that almost no one will get, to my alma mater's motto.

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