Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essential Items

black pepper
craft beer
toilet paper

potting soil
Whittaker's chocolate
first aid kit

sewing snow peas in the garden
carnations left at my parents door
slipping outside at first light
smell of woodsmoke in the air

the dance of fantails over water
the sweep of clouds across the moon
walking the same trail every day
five minutes' uninterrupted solitude

the smell of homemade bread
the sound of my child's laugh
endless walks on Fall afternoons
the sweep of leaves down a quiet path

singing in the shower
dancing in the street
the smile of a stranger
when in passing we meet

the care worn face of a friend
at a distance of two meters away
teddy bears in neighbours windows
sidewalk chalk hopscotch we play

back rubs 
hot water bottles
frequent hugs
movie night cuddles

lemon treats
instant noodles
time to think

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