I stood just outside the door
Where the air was cool
I stood, mask off, face hot
I saw my friend dancing
Trying something new
I saw an elderly couple dancing
Even when the music stopped
I saw a mother dancing
Spinning her daughter round and round
I saw everyone dancing
And my head was spinning
But I couldn't stop grinning
That we can still dance
Even when the day was lost
And we face impossible odds
We can still dance
That I can still dance
Even when my breath betrays
And my hope has flown away
I can still dance
We started in a circle
It felt like figure dancing
And line dancing too
Step, step, clap, spin
Change of partners
Hello, it's nice to meet you
Like when we danced a jig
At the Starry Plough
Like the electric slide
In middle school
A spinning, dancing line
Following me through time
That I can still dance
The world forever changed
My heart feeling this pain
But I can still dance
That we can still dance
Outside the freezing rain
beats at the window panes
But we can still dance