Sunday, April 28, 2024

That we can still dance

I stood just outside the door

Where the air was cool

I stood, mask off, face hot

I saw my friend dancing 

Trying something new

I saw an elderly couple dancing

Even when the music stopped

I saw a mother dancing 

Spinning her daughter round and round

I saw everyone dancing

And my head was spinning

But I couldn't stop grinning

That we can still dance

Even when the day was lost

And we face impossible odds

We can still dance 

That I can still dance

Even when my breath betrays

And my hope has flown away

I can still dance

We started in a circle

It felt like figure dancing

And line dancing too

Step, step, clap, spin

Change of partners

Hello, it's nice to meet you

Like when we danced a jig

At the Starry Plough

Like the electric slide

In middle school 

A spinning, dancing line

Following me through time

That I can still dance

The world forever changed

My heart feeling this pain

But I can still dance

That we can still dance

Outside the freezing rain 

beats at the window panes

But we can still dance



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